During Storm Arwen, I went down to Porthgain to see if there were going to be any big waves breaking over the harbour wall. I chose a spot, clinging to the hillside in the howling gale, rain and hail, at a very safe distance, and waited & watched. After a while, I could see how the patterns of the waves were coming in and could quite accurately predict when a big one would smash over the wall. Then two characters appeared and decided to stand on the wall, in the teeth of the storm, and photograph with their mobile phones. I could see exactly what was going to happen: they had no idea! This was far from the biggest wave that day, and they were very lucky it wasn't one of those that broke as they were stood there. They survived the encounter; I doubt that their phones did. Madness!
Location: Porthgain Pembrokeshire
Photographer: Andrew Warren